Blue Mediterranean - Rental Agency

Blue Mediterranean - Rental Agency

Blue Mediterranean, a local vacation home and apartment rental company based in Mallorca, Spain, is facing formidable competition from industry giants such as Booking and Airbnb.

My role

UX/UI Designer

UX Research




User Research

Design Thinking


Brand Identity

Designing UI


Usability Test


4 weeks


My goal for this project is to redesign the website to enhance user confidence and streamline the booking process, making it more accessible and enjoyable for potential customers. Additionally, I aim to refresh the brand identity, ensuring it aligns with current objectives, values, and market trends.

Get to know your

UX Research

  • Research
  • Interviews
  • Surveys
  • Affinity Diagram
  • UX Persona
  • User Journey Map
  • Problem Statement
Blue Mediterranean, a small local company based in Mallorca, Spain, has found itself up against fierce competition from vacation giants like Booking and Airbnb. Despite having many strengths, these advantages remained hidden on its antiquated website, leaving its unique value proposition in the shadows.

I began my journey by researching the social and economic context of tourism in Palma de Mallorca. To gather both quantitative and qualitative information, I conducted interviews (qualitative) and surveys (quantitative). This provided me with relevant background information to prepare for a revealing client interview.

Understanding the Renters

Tourists who rent houses in Mallorca do so to enjoy the island's beautiful beaches, historic sites, vibrant nightlife, and outdoor activities. We can identify four typical renter groups: Vacationers, Expatriates, Digital Nomads and Retirees.

Client Demographics

The average age of the clients ranges from 25 to 55 years old, with 90% being German, Swiss, French, and British, all possessing a certain level of purchasing power.

Survey Insights

Leveraging this information, I designed a survey to gather opinions from current travelers. With 50 responses, I uncovered the following key insights:
  • Travel Frequency:Approximately 77% of individuals take occasional trips, typically 2 to 3 times per year.
  • Preferred Booking and Airbnb are the most commonly used platforms for booking accommodations, while Hostelworld and Agoda are the least popular choices.
  • Transparency in Pricing and Reviews:Transparency is a priority for 88% of travelers when booking accommodations, with a strong focus on clear pricing, rates, and reliable reviews and opinions.

  • With this valuable information, I developed detailed User Personas and User Journeys. This process helped me empathize with our customers and understand their experiences in detail when interacting with our company and services.

Problem Statement

German, British, and American tourists and vacationers visiting Mallorca seek a local and reliable alternative website for accommodations, as they wish to avoid contributing to larger, mainstream accommodation marketplaces.

Let's create at
the user interface

UI Elements

  • Research & Inspiration
  • Sketching & Wireframing
  • Site Map & User Flow
  • Interactive Prototypes
  • Usability Test
  • Design System
  • Handoff to Development
For the paper wireframes, I meticulously analyzed the main competitors such as Airbnb, Booking, Finca Mallorca, etc. Based on my observations, I sketched out several design possibilities and finally selected the one that worked best. Subsequently, I created detailed wireframes in Figma, focusing on typography, color schemes, and spacing to ensure consistency across the design.Following this, I developed interactive prototypes to simulate the user experience and gathered valuable feedback from users to refine the design further.

Brand Redesign and Design System

Based on customer feedback and validation, I redesigned the logo to feature a readable sans-serif typeface with stylized main elements, while retaining the visual motif of an ocean wave. This updated design embodies the happiness, tranquility, and fresh essence of a Mediterranean getaway. Additionally, I established a comprehensive design system to maintain consistency across all elements. This included defining typography styles, color palettes, and iconography, ensuring a cohesive and unified visual identity for the brand.

Keep your focus on
these key elements.

Problem & Solution

Functions have been prioritized according to both business and user objectives. Blue Mediterranean possesses unique strengths that we strategically leverage.

Main Features to Transform the User Experience
  • Community Connection: Representing a vibrant local host community in Mallorca.
  • Unwavering Reliability: Providing a 100% verified service for each finca, ensuring trust and reliability.
  • In-House Creativity: Featuring an in-house photographer to craft captivating images and videos, establishing them as industry leaders.

In addition to the strategic strengths, I have incorporated other user-centric features to enhance the experience:
  • Multilingual Support: Considering that users may not speak Spanish, the website offers language options such as German, English, and Spanish.
  • Detailed Information: Providing clear and comprehensive information about destinations and accommodations. This includes main sections, maps, detailed site information, and a secure, user-friendly payment process.

These enhancements ensure that users can easily navigate and find the information they need, enhancing their overall experience on the site.

Learning and Next Steps

  • Communication with the client is crucial for generating new ideas and gaining deeper insights into their problems to deliver effective solutions. Throughout this project, I found it fascinating to witness how mass tourism has reshaped local commerce.
  • Whether working independently or collaboratively, meticulous organization and strategic planning are indispensable.
  • Conducting usability tests during the process is paramount to ensure every action yields the intended solution and evaluates its impact effectively.
  • And I prefer tea over coffee

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