Leo Enslin - Artist website

Leo Enslin - Artist website

Leo, an artist based in Berlin, has been pushing the boundaries of conventional artistic, his creations transcend the boundaries of traditional canvases and are captured on a variety of mediums, including clothing, home décor, accessories and handmade rugs.

My role

UX/UI Designer

UX Research




User Research

Design Thinking


Brand Identity

Designing UI


Usability Test


2 weeks with team

2 weeks own version


My goal in this project is to build a website that captures the essence of Leo Enslin's artistic identity and showcases his original creations, while offering users an easy and intuitive shopping experience to upsell his products.

Get to know your

UX Research

  • Research
  • Interviews
  • Surveys
  • Affinity Diagram
  • UX Persona
  • User Journey Map
  • Problem Statement
While Leo primarily sold his artwork on Etsy, he aspired to provide art enthusiasts with a more dedicated and reliable online space to explore and purchase his creations. To help him expand his reach and offer a seamless shopping experience, we embarked on the project of developing a bespoke e-commerce platform for Leo.
Our journey to implement a user-centered design approach began with extensive research to understand our target users. This involved conducting interviews, surveys, and creating detailed personas. We started by analyzing Leo's existing sales methods and client interactions, which shaped our interview strategy. Visiting Leo in his workshop offered us invaluable insights into his artistic vision and business needs, forming the foundation of our design process.

Key Insights

Based on the results of the interviews with potential users gave us valuable feedback on their art-buying experiences, you can observe the following key insights:

  1. 1. Preference for Authenticity and Originality
    Insight:Art enthusiasts prioritize original artworks over mass-produced items.
    Behavior: They actively seek out opportunities to purchase directly from artists or local galleries.

  2. 2. Engagement through Social Platforms
    Insight:Instagram plays a crucial role in discovering new artists and artworks.
    Behavior:Users follow hashtags and engage with artists profiles to stay updated on new releases and exhibitions.

  3. 3. Value in Local and Personalized Experiences
    Insight: Berlin-based art enthusiasts value the cultural and personal significance of buying from local artists.
    Behavior:They enjoy attending local art events and building relationships with artists and galleries.

We conducted a detailed competitor analysis, benchmarking against leading brands such as Artsy, H&M, Marimekko, Come Tees, and The Broad. Using an Affinity Diagram, we organized our insights to identify key themes, ensuring our design process aligned with user needs and business goals. From our research, we developed specific User Personas that were crucial in shaping our design approach. These personas helped us understand our users' motivations, goals, and pain points. By envisioning their daily routines and identifying moments when our solution would be beneficial, we tailored our design to better meet their needs.

Problem Statement

An enthusiastic art collector wants to find real, colorful, and special art but faces doubts about authenticity, delivery issues, and confusing websites. They need a solution that is trustworthy, easy, and makes art discovery a breeze.

Let's create at
the user interface

UI Elements

  • Research & Inspiration
  • Sketching & Wireframing
  • Site Map & User Flow
  • Interactive Prototypes
  • Usability Test
  • Design System
  • Handoff to Development
Based on research from other websites, I chose a minimalist design to allow Leo's art to shine on every page. To revitalize Leo Enslin's brand identity, we aimed to evoke modernity and minimalism through the following elements.

Brand Redesign and Design System
  • Logotype Creation: Developed a logotype that conveys the essence of the brand, incorporating the name and the slogan “Art and Objects” for easy identification.
  • Typography: Chose a sans-serif typeface for the artist's signature to improve legibility and digital adaptability.
  • Color Palette: Selected a black and gray color palette to convey elegance and harmonize with the tones of the artist's psychedelic style.

Keep your focus on
these key elements.

Problem & Solution

By focusing on reliability, clarity, and user-centered design principles, the website effectively addresses the challenges faced by art enthusiasts. Here are the main features we implemented to transform the user experience.

Main Features to Transform the User Experience
  • Homepage: Introduced a dynamic slider featuring the artist's most iconic images to captivate visitors immediately.
  • Navigation Bar: Enhanced with a drop-down menu, ensuring users can easily find what they need and navigate the site effortlessly.
  • Product Section: A dedicated section showcasing the artist's diverse range of products, making it easy for users to browse and select their favorite pieces.
  • Trustpilot Integration: Integrated Trustpilot reviews to inspire confidence in the artist's work by displaying authentic customer reviews.
  • Custom Footer: Added a custom footer to enhance authenticity, providing direct links for users to connect with the artist and explore more about their work.

Learning and Next Steps

While I valued the research process with the Bootcamp team, I had some innovative ideas that I was eager to implement. I conducted usability tests to identify and improve certain aspects, then created my own design version and shared it with the client for feedback and approval. The client was very impressed with my design and decided to implement it with the help of a programmer.

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