Sokuni-Second-hand Marketplace

Sokuni-Second-hand Marketplace

Sokuni, an innovative marketplace based in the Netherlands, is revolutionizing the second-hand baby goods market through user-centered design. This emerging brand is transforming the buying and selling of baby products, making the process more efficient and user-friendly.

My role

UX/UI Designer

UX Research




User Research

Design Thinking


Brand Identity

Designing UI


Usability Test


9 weeks


Our mission is to create for Sokuni a user-friendly website that facilitates the buying and selling of second-hand baby items, encouraging the adoption of a circular economy.

Get to know your

UX Research

  • Research
  • Interviews
  • Surveys
  • Affinity Diagram
  • UX Persona
  • User Journey Map
  • Problem Statement
Initially, we reviewed market research conducted by Sokuni, which included the opinions of 60 parents who prefer to buy second-hand baby items. Based on this, we conducted a second survey with different questions to better understand our users' needs.

Key insights
  • Demographics: 60% of marketplace users are female.
  • Affordability: 85% of users purchase second-hand baby gear primarily for affordable pricing.
  • Detailed Listings: 75% of users prioritize detailed product descriptions with photos.
  • Delivery Options: 30% of users seek convenient delivery options.
  • Main Barriers: 62% of users cite concerns about safety, health and hygiene, comfort, and quality as the primary barriers to shopping second-hand.

Competitor Analysis
  • This competitive analysis provides a clear and detailed view of each brand, highlighting their product offerings, pricing strategies, and unique selling propositions.
  • Smala: The most beautiful second-hand items for your children aged 0-16. Over 500 brands at up to 80% off new prices.
  • Biicou: A marketplace in which you can find everything you need for children on a single platform, from strollers and high chairs to toys and other products.
  • GoodBuy Gear: The emphasis on safety and quality checks, along with a hassle-free shopping experience, makes GoodBuy Gear a trusted choice for parents.

Based on our research, we developed a user persona to better understand the goals, desires and constraints of our main user groups.

Problem Statement

How Might We create a second-hand baby articles website that helps parents trust and check the quality, guarantee, and hygiene of the articles they buy online to save money without risking their children's health and safety?

Let's create at
the user interface

UI Elements

  • Research & Inspiration
  • Sketching & Wireframing
  • Site Map & User Flow
  • Interactive Prototypes
  • Usability Test
  • Design System
  • Handoff to Development
We developed mid-fidelity wireframes to represent the interactions and navigation possibilities of the Sokuni website under construction. Our next task was to create each page a user would navigate through, culminating in a purchase on the website. We designed a site map to ensure easy and convenient navigation, and we developed a user flow to clearly understand the user's journey.

Design System

The Sokuni logo encapsulates the brand's essence with a minimalist style. The chosen colors convey specific brand attributes: green symbolizes sustainability, and peach represents the softness and delicacy associated with babies. For typography, we used Roboto for body text to ensure legibility and Signika for titles and headers to capture and maintain attention. Additionally, we designed the primary symbols in a minimalist style to align with the brand's aesthetic.

Keep your focus on
these key elements.

Problem & Solution

Proposed enhancements to the Sokuni user experience

To further improve the Sokuni platform and respond to user needs, we propose the following enhancements:
  • Highlight the savings: Clearly show the savings for users by choosing secondhand products. This can be very motivating for budget-conscious parents.
  • Quality control process: Provide a detailed explanation of Sokuni's quality control process, with step-by-step descriptions and pictures. This transparency will build confidence in the reliability and safety of second-hand products.
  • Unique selling proposition banner: Add a prominent banner on the website that highlights Sokuni's mission and unique selling proposition. This will give users a compelling reason to choose Sokuni for their pre-owned baby needs.

Learning and Next Steps

  • Prioritize listening and thoroughly reviewing all information shared by the client to fully understand the starting point and the challenges ahead.
  • Establish clear rules and timelines for the project, including when changes can be made and deadlines for receiving solid feedback from the customer. This helps ensure that everyone is moving in the same direction.
  • Emphasize the importance of teamwork, active listening and effective coordination of activities. This minimizes misunderstandings and downtime, ensuring a smooth and productive workflow.

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Leo Enslin

Leo Enslin

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